Thursday 29 January 2009


Got back from Bristol at 10pm after spending the day (my third on this project/bid thing) trying to get the newly assigned chap up to speed on something I haven't got my own head round yet.

~ and I've lost my lighter : yes, that one. Had it last night when I was outside talking to Paul on the phone, couldn't find it this morning in the hotel room. Turning my handbag upside down on the bed didn't help anything except helping make me late for work; not under the bed; not on the floor near the desk where the cigarettes were; nowhere. Really teed off with myself, I've now turned the suitcase upside down on the bed, and the billybag my laptop travels in. De nada. It has to be SOMEWHERE; and bad cess to anyone who purloined it.

Really am feeling wiped out but the kitchen looks as if it might be ready for Saturday; I have cupboards on the wall now, and lights under them, doors that open and shelves to put things on, nearly a drawer unit, and an incredible amount of dust over everything, everywhere.

Past time to go to bed, I need to get up in the middle of the night to get to London tomorrow for another client meeting on a different project, then work on the Bristol one on Friday: I rebelled at the idea of driving back there for Friday so I'll be working from home and hoping to get some house-work; note, not 'housework' done; and shopping; and pampering of me - I think I deserve it.

Might phone that nice man from Magnet who left a message saying he was sure he could be of service to me; servicing sounds tempting.

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