Tuesday 20 January 2009

how did life get so busy?

Feeling trashed and more than ready for bed now. Today started with my boss deciding it would be a good plan to call me at 8:45, which I kinda didn't appreciate but it's my own fault for answering the phone. He bracketed it by calling me again at 6:15 to discuss the ins and outs of the two projects I'm being chased to join, the current bid which suddenly came back with a vengeance, wiping out time for any of the other things I'm supposed to be doing while I'm unassigned, and a new request to work on another bid, or is it project? Welsh tongue to Scottish ear across a dodgy phone line with the sound of major kitchen drilling in the background doesn't make for clear communication.

Small feather in cap, the new response and update I did yesterday impressed a VP enough that he wanted me doing second reviews on all the bid responses with carte blanche to reword, restructure, reformat them however I thought best. fnar, fnar, some of them were written by my (only!) work colleague ex and they're rubbish so I revised them fnar fnar.

The second project is chasing me to work in Telford for the next year - YEAR?!? and my favourite sexy Welshman called to check I was available before putting in a request for me, by name, to work on a project he's starting. Anyway, Mr HoTC boss doesn't want me to do the variable utilisation one (OK) but also wants to give the nice wee bit of work for Mr Welshman to my review manager (BAH!) I think I need to get on a project for a rest instead of juggling the increasing number of small but immediate jobs that have swarmed in the last two days.

I'm in the London office tomorrow to see my review manager for a blahhhhhhhhh performance review face2face but managed to extract agreement from Mr HoTC that I can go on a training course week after next regardless of project starts. Hurrah! This time I'll hold out for an hotel in London instead of spending four hours a day travelling at peak time and not being able to reclaim the extortionate peak time rail fares. Friday I'm meant to be in Woking(for 9am!!!!!!!!!!! I'll never make it!!!)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the kitchen rehab is making good progress, Gordon and I went to IKEA last night, leaving Barbara at Rachel (just bin it)'s while we bought the rest of the dead trees we need, and it's quite exciting trying to find pots and pans, salt, knives etc to cook dinner when the kitchen is now a mostly empty space, all naked repainted walls with neat gouges for new sockets and naked floor. Straight from working all day to B&Q then the supermarket to pick up some super-cheap steak and scrumptious cheesecake for dinner, which was lovely. More lovely is that Barbara is doing a great job with the washing up and knowing which bit of the peripatetic kitchen contents are where.

So, dinner was cooked, enjoyed, and there went the day! Am taking myself off to bed now with a nice malt and a book. Is it Easter yet?

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