Friday 9 January 2009


FINALLY managed to get the wireless connection sorted out, only taken months to get to the second attempt then s-l-o-w-l-y following the directions so I spotted the checkbox I left unticked last time. Not that that made it work first time. Checking the net for virgin/D-link info got me the information that I needed to switch the connection off and on again. Hurrah! now I can use my work laptop to get to the intranet and mail without tying up my phoneline, and free my PC from it's blue plastic lead.

Must check how to change the password on it because, although I don't mind my guests using the connection, I don't want to give them one of my few 'standard' passwords which I used without thinking when I set it up.

Still totally washed out by all this concentrating on work: I'd managed to forget how fiercely focused bids can be and find myself wishing this one was over, mostly because, as usual, I'm not happy with what I've produced. Going out this evening seems like a damn good plan to me.

Not entirely sure the time spent setting up the wireless thing counts as work, although it does mean the laptop can go walkabout and I can use the phone at the same time: but I'm pretty sure I've done nearly enough for today and am off into the great outdoors aka the garage and shop.

~ skating across the carpark made my decision for me about West London; pity but it would have been a bit silly, especially since I'm feeling wiped out. Kitchen plans are slowly taking shape, and I bought another book by Kate Atkinson, which sadly is not as good as 'One Good Turn'

1 comment:

  1. shame you missed all the fun and games at the West London!
