Tuesday 27 January 2009

rodent RIP

This morning, my mouse died. Not one of those supposed cheese-addicted furry cartoon things, or even one of the furry disease-bearing scary beasties, timorous or not. The electronic, tenner from tescos, blue light useful mousie.

I thihk stuffing it in my billy-bag, pulling its tail unmercifully on a far too frequent basis, and generally treating it as indestructible finally took its toll.

So. I get brave and demanding in the office, and call facilities (whose job I know it's not, but I don't know if there IS any desktop support at the Bristol office) to find out if there was a spare moose aboot the hoose. SIGH Lovely facilities lady : I was on her case for a replacement phone cos the one on the desk I was borrowing didn't work perfectly. She brought me a brand new one which I was tempted to adopt and take home with me. While I had her attention, I asked if she could find a mouse for me to molest. She went the extra mile and harassed desktop support to provide a mouse-loan with strict instruction that I had to return it. Great stuff. Except my laptop doesn't have a round mouse connector, only a USB port so ............. I spent the day being out of sorts because I didn't have the kind of toy I prefer.

The entirely no sense of direction paid off after work when I found a huge retail park up the road (in the wrong direction of course) from the office with a Currys/Comet/whatever whose helpful staff person at least understood what I meant when I said I wanted a baby mouse.

Things made more sense before I got outside most of a bottle of red (retail park had a supermarket)

Not/kinda/watching "Shameless". I've seen the trailers on the sudden access of TV around me, and caught an interview with whoever the main man is on breakfast TV this morning, saying that the storylines are tame in comparison with what really really happens on 'these estates'. I know exactly what he means. The satire is more rational than the reality.

City Inn Hotels are kinda cool, especially the MAC gizmo with razor sharp images for telly stuff and options for movies and music. Free internet also helps, but mostly helps me to mess about instead of doing any of the work I thought I might do after work. Makes no sense whatsoever.

G'DAM!!!!!!!!! TV not only messes about with Edith but has started on Ray as well. NOT amused!


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