Saturday 24 January 2009

my poor baby

Paul has whiplash from that accident yesterday, killer headache and really sore neck, enough that I managed to persuade him to go to the hospital just in case. Not that it did much good, they agreed he has a whiplash injury, gave him some painkillers, a leaflet about whiplash injury and told him to come back in two weeks if it hasn't improved.

I was wrong about the accident, the volvo pulled out from a side road, it wasn't on the roundabout, but right about my insurance having cover for a courtesy car during investigations. That could be useful, I guess, but I'll be spitting if they log it as a claim against my no claims discount.

Another trip to B&Q to get the rest of the big stuff for the kitchen, long debates about various things, and finally decisions on which hob/oven and sink unit (Paul said he would smash up the old sink if I didn't get a new one) More noisy drilling, more mysterious movements of the peripatetic kitchen contents, more chasing the net trying to get hotels for the next two weeks working UK tour - London on Monday, Bristol Monday night for Tuesday/Wednesday, London again Thursday, Bristol again Friday, London the following Monday-Wednesday and probably Telford at the end of that week, I'm exhausted thinking about it!

Should have gone to ST tonight but too tired and out of sorts, we resorted to Lois again for a delivered take-away ~ what do you call it if it gets delivered rather than fetched?

Not been reading much lately, not even on the trains where I've mostly been working on the laptop getting there and sleeping getting back, but the TV has been on more in the last week than in the last three months I'm sure, however, that means I got to watch 'Keeping Mum' the other night, and I'm half-watching Karate Kid now, I'd forgotten just HOW old that film is, but it's still funny

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