Tuesday 13 January 2009

back to work already?

Waiting for an email to flesh out the phone convo about the role they want to discuss in an hour, after I've read the email, to potentially start tomorrow, luckily in Central London so I still get to go to the Ladies Munch whatever.

Fresh meat!

~ more later ~

7pm pffffffffffttttttttt!!!!!!!!! it's still a maybe and isn't as exciting as starting actual work on the client site first thing tomorrow but if it's going to happen I'll be involved. A definite plus point is that I'd be working closely with Julie ("you're too glam not to wear lipstick in the office") B who I've not seen for about five years. She was fun.

So, back to the horrendous cost of having my hair cut in the sticks which cost more than the Soho place I usually go to. ssssssssake! One of the reasons my hair isn't as much of a mess as it might be is that I NEVER use a hairdryer on it, unless faced by stern hairdressers who won't let me out of the chair till they've cooked my hair. At least I got away without the spray-helmet 'products' and it looks a lot less ragged and not too much shorter

Good Grief, I've somehow managed to work more than my official hours without having a project on the go. However, this working day has now officially ENDED and I'm about to call Sid and venture the awfulness of the local community centre which is dreadful but still a better option than the (landlady got arrested for assaulting a policewoman) local.

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