Monday 19 January 2009

planet project

I should really have checked my email first thing this morning, people were sending me requests for work at 8am and I didn't pick them up till 10.

One of them is about an 'unusual' Test Manager role which would involve spending the rest of this year working and travelling around Telford, Southend, Fleet, Bletchley (at least that's close!), Woking and wherever else they might have someone I need to talk to. The chap thought it would be a good idea for me to pop up to Telford for a half-hour face2face tomorrow; he agreed with me that a 5 hour return trip to do this is probably not the most effective use of time.

It looks "interesting" but wouldn't be full-time all year and would probably block me from doing any other project work, so I suspect our delivery director will put the kybosh on tagging me for all of it, but next month could be a bit busy.

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