Tuesday 13 January 2009

Binning it

Having had a bit of an over-energetic morning, getting up at 7.30, I somehow got involved in application of Rachel's "just bin it" imperative; probably because it's bin day, or ought to be. Seems too many operators fell on their backsides last week when it was icy and AVDC decided to cancel collections that day and mess us all about this week by doing collections on different days to normal. The clue was the neighbour we all keep an eye on cos they KNOW which weeks they do/not collect glass/paper/plastic as well as the rubbish, and they didn't have any bins or boxes out.

Anyway, I was feeling quite virtuous slinging all sorts of mostly meaningless'stuff' in the bin and sorting out (mostly empty) boxes to stick outside in hopes they'll take it away. This involved a trip to the shed, nasty place which leaks like a colander, worse than it did before I paid some chancer 250 quid to re-roof it about 3 years ago. Sighing heavily, I moved the contents of the ancient mugs and kitchen stuff destined for the charity shop from the sodden box to a drier one and discovered an even 'older' but luckily dry box containing - a favourite scarf, a really red basque, ONE shoe from a pair I really like (probably means I threw the other one away), the Quink bottles I spent hours looking for a couple of months ago and two coats which are moving straight to the sally army bag and TA DAHHHHH! yet another set of keys for the Honda (bike that is) on the fabric Guinness keyring with a key which not only looked like a garage key but also opened the door to the garage the old Mazda used to be in. Now all I need to do is find the proper keys for the OTHER garage.

One day my life will be organised, whatever will I do then?

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