Monday 5 January 2009

dirty stop-out

Am off to the London office in a few, not been home since last year (my latest wind-up catch-phrase). I 'nearly' went home last night after the LAM and after-party but got the keys handed back to me and felt an idiot for carting the laptop and mysteriously versatile wardrobe in a bag to the pub only to have to carry it back again.

Andrex gave me a top Christmas present, Edith Piaf's autobiography, and I was presented with the next instalment of the Jack Daniels collection by Sparks and Ember. Didn't spend *that* much but did get an utterly gorgous fat red glass heart, 2 in fact, from Jed Phoenix for £15 so I'm well happy.

Friday in the office was surreal, acres of empty desks and the streets devoid of traffic in daylight, not something you see too often! I managed to get the network stuff sorted out, only took about an hour for the various company software to twiddle about with my machine before it let me start looking for the info I needed to do this bid. At least I did find it, and am up to half-speed. I'm meeting the main man in the office this afternoon to collect his wisdom and proper background/context to let me do what I need to with some confidence it's what people are expecting me to deliver.

Better get dressed and sensible now ......

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