Friday 29 January 2010

losing a day

I have successfully convinced my subconscious that today is Saturday (helps that I'm on holiday today) and the Rammy is tonight. Fate always gives in to temptation when it comes to me, and time, so I'll make the early cry that I won't be ready in time for the Rammy, but maybe, just maybe, I won't be stressed to hell tomorrow and getting out of the shower as people arrive ....

Sofa has been moved to make a bit more space, I have my list of small and large things I plan to get done, a shopping list, a menu plot, and my sister to keep me company: so it's all going rather well this morning

Something else crossed off my list of things I must do is taxing the red devil. I couldn't find the letter from DVLA the other week and gave up at the idea of having to track down all the paperwork and phone some 0300 number but today, randomly, I found the letter lurking behind the African mask in the hall and it all simplified. £190 silently detached itself from my bank account and ghosted into the coffers of the goviment.

I heard on the radio that an estimated 1 in 20 motorists don't have insurance, and that this number is likely to have increased following the awfulness of the recession, redundancies etc. So we who pay sometimes extortionate amounts for car insurance are being penalised for the risks of those who don't. Why don't they put the road tax and automatic 3rd party insurance on the price of petrol? Cars run fine without tax, insurance, MOT but go nowhere without fuel so it's a guaranteed source of income, those who use the roads most often will pay most and people won't be paying for other people's lack of insurance etc. Probably too sensible.

One of the girls in the office talked me through the streetcar concept; for an initial joining fee, you can hire a car when you need it and pay a fixed amount per hour/day which includes fuel then leave it in any of their designated spots when you're done. Wouldn't work for me but it's a great idea for people who live in or visit London and would otherwise be paying overheads on a car, plus residents parking if they can find it, plus congestion charges - hmmmm, she didn't mention if the streetcars cost includes congestion charges. Anyway, I had heard about it before but didn't know how it worked, seems like a stunningly good idea to me.