Thursday 21 January 2010

Rammy 2010

It's time to fetch the flute platoon from the attic and attempt to force my living space into some semblance of gracious living. Some photographs from previous extravaganzas uploaded; several years are unrepresented but it's been a legend for a most of my last three or four lives.

We had serious fireworks for a couple of years till some killjoy neighbours decided they should complain to the council and I got a threatening letter. The letter of the law doesn't actually match 'there should be a law' attitudes. Oh well. Fireworks had to come off the menu

I want/need to get one of those negatives to PC converters to be able to upload some earlier Rammy pics - the Mandarin Crew in full flig; Paul H forced to play Cinderella by the indomitable Nellie, Niko made to wear a frock and serve drinks as punishment for being improperly dressed.... When I get a roundtuit, I'll document the history : suffice for now to say it all began with a bet where I won the bottle of champagne and instituted a party to celebrate the first pay-cheque of the year.

The timing clash with Self-Assessment is a total rotten no-fair: having a good time versus being sensible....... c'mon, what do you think?

For today; not being able to take a break till almost 4pm was rescued by the chance to have a guilt-free afternoon coffee with MD, who had been ermmmmm rather early for an appointment in town.