Wednesday 27 January 2010


busy, busy, non-stop weekend. Shorts are gorgeous though exhausting; I still have my fabulous relationship with time and (with the help of a very friendly lift to a more useful station so I could avoid the megrims of weekend engineering works)actually arrived in town at a reasonable time on Sunday to be spoiled rotten by an unexpected dinner menu to go with the xmas wine which was properly appreciated - cheers Jane!

Pokering is the latest fidget: 4th of 12 last night, truly relaxed, enjoyed and and enjoyable evening: online tonight; 250 to 596 : maybe I should venture the money stuff - but not until I get my expenses in and paid so I can kill the nastier kind of plastic cards

Not booking the hotel till Monday morning meant I missed the usual so-so one and am instead in a more flash hotel which has a very draughty set of french windows opening onto a very nice stone balcony where I can set fire to things without setting off the fire alarm. Nice in-room dins too, and an ordinary phone line instead if an 0870 ripoff so a friend can call me. Good (OK, only OK but)productive day at work ; lush room : think I might stay here again.

Even without the upgraded room, free internet, closer to the office, less soulless reception area and interesting artwork outweighs the not-inclusive breakfast.

Mostly I think real people interfaces over the weekend would create a benign viewpoint anyway

Looking forward to this weekend too