Monday 4 January 2010


briefness here since I ought to be in bed already

After getting in a tizz about a message to take warm clothing and shoes I could walk in for NYE, I was taken to Vauxhall Bridge to watch the fireworks, warmed by a cold bottle of Taittinger served in crystal glasses.

We had the cheek to fetch up at my distant local around 1am, planning to sit at the bench tables outside and finish the champagne, but Mark decided to knock anyway and we swanned in, with our own booze and glasses and invaded mine hosts space. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and when we went back in there the next day it seems everyone had been told all about it. oops.

Mollified. I'm a sucker for romantic gestures, and in the encroachment stakes, it wasn't me who put the fabulous moisturer on display in the bathroom, but it does make it easier to remember to use it.

I phoned everyone I could get hold of on the last day of the year and for once abandoned all internet connection - feels weird.

Ah, and a call to watch La Vie En Rose counts too - not sure my favourite song will ever feel the same again after seeing it hooked into the death of her lover

work tomorrow - yrrrrrrrrrrrrrch! and my top NYER is to get to work on time. I'm already fretting, target 225, attempts 0 fails 0 wins 0

1 comment:

  1. Romantic gestures my...
    The Fab moisturiser was in the spot I usually leave my Haemmorroid cream. I wasn't risking a repeat of the time you left a tube of super-glue there. I still can't show my face in that A&E department.
