Saturday 1 November 2008


I'm officially on HOLIDAY for a week - HURRAH!

I moved some furniture around last weekend and discovered the PC monitor doesn't work any more BAH! so I'm on the work laptop with the mobile broadband cos I jus' can't be Rsed to get technical about fixing it. Think I may just go and buy another one, conspicuous consumption rules : problem is I'll probably find it's the hard drive that's gone and that will make me very miserable.

I meant to go to the London munch last night, and AntiChrist cos I have a real yearning to dance, but I knew by mid-afternoon it just wasn't going to happen. My £5,000 worth of photocopying didn’t happen either (expenses) because the website you’re meant to enter and submit it on closed before I got clear of the toad, work, so I decided it can wait till I get back and I’ll do it in their time rather than mine.

Since my boss really DOES look like Andrew Marr (too tall and stands too close; MUCH bushier eyebrows that he lowers from, and an even more mobile mouth) I might refer to him as Andrew from now on : From Wikipedia, - Marr also recounts an incident where he was approached by a man in a shop who said, "Here, you look just like that Andrew Marr... you poor bugger." He’s OK really, just a pain as a manager because of his meddle management and constant undermining of his own direct reports by going to individuals for up-to-the-nanosecond information to feed his insatiable appetite for detail.

Also, there is a Pratchett quote that fits him perfectly, “he wasn’t a man to avoid interrupting the answer to a question with a question about the answer he just interrupted”.

He called a meeting yesterday afternoon to tell people the schedule for new builds over the next two weeks and was obviously distressed that he didn’t get a hot welcome. He asked me later what happened, why the meeting “didn’t work”, and I told him gently that all he had done was provide information to formalise what people already knew had to happen. No-one gets excited about that; he’d have done better to have sent an email. Poor soul, he so wants to be loved and feted, and will never understand why it doesn’t work for him.

I did manage to escape the office before too many silly-o'clocks this week; Thursday was *cough* fun. bossman and I declared war on each other by high level distribution list email, and I was walked into an office (AGAIN!) for a "quiet word" (AGAIN!) which involved a lot of heated exchange (AGAIN!). This time resolved by my making it crystal that if he wants to pull rank, he has the right to do that. He did. Avoiding saying that when it all goes wrong (as it already has) he can rest easy knowing he threw his weight about to force a situation no-one can explain or defend. I don't have to any more, it was his call and his problem for the future. His cheap political power play has cost him the ability to hold me responsible for control of my own process, and let me off the hook for where it isn't easy to manage. Class. Thank you, kind sir. *g*

Work obviously has far too large a footprint on my life, and I need to get a grip on myself and care less about getting it all done.

Tired like a fish! I finished reading Pratchett’s ‘Nation’ last night and it turned out to be pretty good, but a horribly, horribly slow start. If I hadn’t been working away, I would probably have given up on it but I needed something to read and that was all I had with me.

Reading something else now Underworld, by De Lillo. It’s a fine thick book Mark loaned me hopefully just right for a week on hols when I should have some time to catch up on reading and proper escapism.

I bought myself lilies and freesia last night, a true pleasure since I’m not usually at home to enjoy them, and would feel foolish taking flowers into the office, besides which, I’d need others in the hotel room and still wouldn’t be in one place long enough to enjoy them properly. However, I did get a couple of hyacinth bulbs with glass vases to do the childish “look, no earth” thing and might take one of those in when I go back.

Much later ~ not long got up (It’s half seven at night) and pouring rain. Inside seems like a good place to be right now. Drinking a Downey special, the whole get mashed on wine thing seems to have taken a bit of a back seat lately. Still headachey and tired, hope I’m not going to waste my holiday being poorly

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