Thursday 20 November 2008

Recognition at work!

Back in the office today after sleeping really badly, kept waking up coughing and feeling feverish, didn't go into the office till after 10, deal with my upset leavers and eventually pick up this email ....

Dear Jean

Congratulations on being nominated for an award in the ****** scheme. I am very pleased to let you know that we want to recognise your hard work and achievement and for you to accept a meal for you and your family to the value of £100 as recognition of the effort you have put into our success as a business.

I am very keen to recognise behaviour and contribution that is ‘above and beyond’ what we can normally expect from each other because this is what separates the average from the special. Well done and I hope you enjoy the meal!

Please contact my PA, *** on *** for further details.


VP - Outsourcing
Like, wow! I didn't even know they had such a scheme, and have absolutely no idea who nominated me or why. The business line I work in is an entirely different empire to his, although the project I am on is within that empire. L'Oreal moments are so wonderful.

New problem : who shall I take to dinner, where? The game is that I pay for the meal, get a receipt and claim it back through expenses on his personal code *blink*

AND...... team meeting this afternoon, B's and C's debrief on the project to date, they said one of the key plus points on the project was - me! Hurrah for me! I said we'd already got that one down as 'Test Team' cos we am one team despite having to say g'bye to three of them tomorrow.

My cunning plot to have a two-week hols is broke since I am not getting the bullet but am to be on the project till the end of the year, and perhaps beyond, depending on the scope of the next phase. Feeling kinda cool about it since there is no pressure for the next phase any more.

Sadness is that I missed out on a Hyatt champagne reception for 'special guests' on Tuesday, but JC told me I was a topic of conversation following the Presidential Suite business. Should add that my sexy red devil was again permitted to park right outside the Hyatt last night *smirk*

So, back to working out where/when to take hols.....

The LLM is looking likely, especially since I have tagged a course in London the day before.

Life is looking up!

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