Thursday 6 November 2008


Being up this early is a pure nonsense: I woke up at 5am with my head full of work rubbish and an unpleasant feeling of "where's mine?" but that, thankfully, seems to have worn off as I've woken up properly. Still on my son's PC which has a too-loud fan and just KNOW that I have to get my own machine and the wireless thingie sorted out.

Planning to have the short people again today, it was such a lovely day yesterday with both of them pottering about, being angelic and playing nicely, they really are such 'good' children; fair share of tantrums and episodes but even so. Alex came with me to Tesco, in the red devil, which was fun, he kept telling me to go faster. I've checked out the nagging concern and yes, it IS illegal now to have a child in a car without a booster seat: me bad (but I've got the seat to use today if I need to). I gave him a couple of quid to put in the box for poppies, and the old boy with the tray was very sweet to him, and called me back to thank me for telling Alex he was helping to look after lots of brave men who fought in a big war so mummy and daddy could look after HIM. I felt such a fraud, but pleased at the same time.

It was odd to see Paul's father at the house in the morning when I went to fetch them, affable and still ~connected~ somehow: it was all such a long time ago and I know I made the right decision but it still feels odd sometimes. Anyway, he's still capable of charm and I'm glad he's spending time with Paul and the children sometimes.

Alex wasn't at school becasue he has a dodgy tummy, blamed on recent injections, and was certainly quieter than usual, but a whole day with them was pretty blissful, followed by a long, slow walk back in the dark as my mother struggles to walk any distance and I don't have the big car any more to have been able to get us all in there. It only occurs to me now that I should have got a taxi (booster seats etc aren't obligatory in taxis? - how does that work then?)

Paul had arranged to come home from work for an hour with fireworks for the children and you never saw anything as excited as Alex when his Dad came in with a huge box of fireworks and rockets; almost all of the photographs have him with his hands over his ears, looking very worried and he decided it was better to sit indoors with his great-grannie and watch through the window even if his mother and father did declare him a wuss.

Some times are very special. I'll upload the photographs when I find the card-reader gizmo.

Putney tonight, I think I should be able to get my act together after the early dinner we have planned at Dee's. I'll see how trashed I feel; I swear small people get their energy by draining it off the nearest adult. Cancelling everything last weekend due to rotten sore stomach and letting go the work beast was necessary but I stil regret not having done anything plus the dance class on Saturday has gone west (hope your leg gets better soon, P) and mother advised me last night that she's not going home till Monday. Just in time for me to set off back to Brum for another two weeks of mayhem.

then, then, blisssssssss! I get another week off and am looking at using Hyatt points to get free accomodation in Cancun and maybe hook up with Araceli if I can find her. Suddenly life looks brighter, Vikki got back in touch (thank you facebook)bought a pub and developed a grandchild so I am looking forward to visiting and catching up with her and my nearly-nephew: he has managed to grow up alongside all the Harry Potter films I took him to see and they've run out at the right time.

Time to get dressed and DO things

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