Tuesday 9 September 2008


I've got my mother visiting me in corporate heaven this week: it's all cool: we have got on famously since when I got past the teenage years and we both started treating each other as adults.

We found a head shop in Brindley Place which apparently has been open till 10:30 every night since forever, and I must have walked past it a dozen times, but tonight we saw it, checked it for tomorrow night or somesuch but wandered in for a while after a pleasant (not wonderful :( ) meal at La Rouge.

I found a gorgeous card for Dee's birthday on Friday, and an amazingly different and lovely envelope : sounds silly but I just know she will really like it and that makes me feel happy.

I wanted my mother to buy me the card that says "Be Realistic, Expect Miracles" so I could put it on my desk tomorrow for my boss et alia to read; but she bought me a different one. Never mind, I can sneak back next week and buy it for myself. Shop full of Thai carvings, crystals, new age books, tarot cards and interesting people working there and popping in : had a LONG conversation about karma, evil thoughts and people collecting what they paid for in terms of being unpleasant (the visitor just got made redundant in favour of some lass sleeping her way to a bar job ... eh? - well it mattered to them)

listening to Glenn Miller on the laptop CD player, planned my outift for the Piaf adventure mwuaahhhh! looking forward to that! Feeling no pain. and that's without being outside loadsa alcohol which makes a bit of a change!

Smoking is still on the agenda which is a bit of a bummer, but standing in the little bike shed affair in torrential rain this afternoon was kinda fun, sopping out my shoes with paper towels and drying off the insides of them and my soaked but naked feet under one of the hot air dryers in the ladies while Lousie attempted to dry her soaked-from-the-knee trouser legs under the other one was properly mental. Nobody said work has to be boring. Ah, nearly forgot lending Mr senior chappie my bright red umbrella to dash back to the office and shaming him into taking a chance of staying dry by saying it was obviously a macho thing to refuse the offer. We had a Hyuuuuge golf umbrella courtesy of the Hyatt. *smug*

this week feels like about a month long already, and it's going to continue in punishing mode. I just realised the Thursday meeting shoved back to start at 8.30 is on the same day as the separate arrangement everybody work till 9pm.

we'll see.
fagbreak ; what IS this all about?

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