Saturday 6 September 2008


Paul brought the short people round; I had a long call with my sister, then a long call with Shani which had to cut short when my most favourite humans arrived ~ Shani is a gorgeous person, I adore her; I hope I am able to give her something of what she needs on the inside of her defences because she does that for me.

gorgeous blonde loves YouTube and we have a deal that he has to put up with grannie's choices mixed in with his own favourites. Both he and his 'baby sister' love Gorillaz DARE; it's the ringtone on my more personal mobile, which always makes it debatable if I'll answer or listen to the music instead. LOVE it .... we all refer to it as "comin' up". The searches for stuff suitable for small people rediscovered Toy Dolls "Nellie the Elephant' which beings back fabulous memories of the 80's (link on profile). I know I saw a band doing Nellie at some forgotten Camden place way back then, seems unreasonable that it was them, but it was a wonderful enough night to remember it. Me & Kim holding little Sue up between us cos it was so packed and she is so small, but all of us really really rocking. That was a night I had to stay sober as I was driving, a time in my life that an opportunity to go OUT was too rare to forget, and London seemed like another planet despite the fact that I lived there for three years.

Alex' word from today is "unexpected". When he hears a new and interesting word, he repeats it, in a charming 3 year old lisp, and we can never resist getting him to say it again, and again, and again. Lily is walking really well now, confidently toddling about carrying a sweeping brush aloft is a serious achievement! But she still hasn't mastered the growing of hair. No photographs today, but it was fun when they decided to shut themselves in the (fairly) new shower cabinet and Lily kept rubbing her hands on the back and top of her head as if she was washing her hair.

So: the title: you'll all hate me cos you won't get the song out of your head ...

In one of those moods today - I may ramble on

- and on

- - and on

- - - and on

ad infinitum

Something I remembered I wanted to send to a colleague whose son has met "Agent Picolax" has disappeared from the "unsuspecting mountain biking site" it was first posted. I miss the comments from other posters, which did make it more amusing, but found a new link

Mysteriously, 3 of my favourite men declared, with relief! that that's EXACTLY what it's like; and seem really pleased someone had actually posted the whole awful experience. Playing the "Trumpet Involuntary" was the description one of them gave.

Ah. and mother. Yes, because the short people won't be around next weekend, rather than defer her travel plans, she's going to come down for TWO weeks. Oh well, at least I organised the Hyatt for a twin room and walk-in shower for next week: at the same time as (my boss) decided the whole project team should work late on Mondays and Thursday's ?every? week!?

I did my promotion prospects no good by pointing out that this is a direct request for them to work more than the contracted 37.5 hours a week and why should they? Meant the decision was forced that they will get paid overtime. Fair certainty that my grade is too high for overtime, and certain it's too low to benefit from direct bonus payments shored up by lower ranks being pushed to work stupid hours. TBH it makes little difference to me as I do silly o'clocks anyway, but I will be watching the more senior career climbers deserting at their usual rate of important knots.

Promotion chances might be improved though since I've recruited a top grade chap to provide review feedback from this project. I told him I'd asked because he seems to be the only one who actually HEARS me in meetings and has stepped in a couple of times to pull rank and make sure I got to say my piece. Sometimes I really resent the elephant-in-the-living-room syndrome that says there is no gender bias in industry. (my boss) can hear good news, but is quite happy to let other people interrupt me, then tell me there isn't time for me to speak. He can hear -short- good news, just not interested in hearing problems that aren't simple to solve. Talking me out of flagging them won;t make them go away. Politico management speak : it's always the ranks taking the flak and getting the blame, even though they have no influence or control over planning and commercial decisions. Me? I'm at about NCO level, useful but not one of the boys.

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