Friday 5 September 2008

I left the office at 7pm!!!!!

just picked up the hotel phone message from P (mwuahhh! hope things is good witchoo) very late : like 2am+ after a left-me-feeling-loved-up call with Mark after a properly pleasant evening ( hmmm maybe not THAT wonderful!) with one of the girls in my team who was keen to have dinner with my boss etc

me: I'd kinda had enough of him by the end of today: was being really really rude to him :( "I've left the office" : sorry I'm not here any more", "that would be the first note on the email EOD stats I sent" and other stuff to the point where I said " I retract that tone of voice".

It's a job: it's not real life, it's a real game and I enjoy playing it

Rach drove me back to the hotel, we got changed, we went walking to and from Sainsbury, meeting people from the project on the street variously going (mostly back to bed early after a heavy night last night) here and there : and finally fetching up at the Thai the bossman had called to say they were going to : lots of drink back at the hotel trysting with the tigers : well, one. The gorgeous tall skinny blonde who now is so exhausted he looks like he has two black eyes and the gorgeous tall skinny Irish with the gorgeous accent ~ and my boss. Tall, skinny-ish ; but ermmmmm he's my boss and he gives me grief too often ...

guess I need to do the sleep things, hope everyone's dreams were as wonderful as I expect mine to be


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