Monday 15 September 2008

night owl

Missed writing up loads of interesting stories: it was a full-on week with some bizarre happenings, not all of which involved drinking. Plans are afoot, and there should be some more interesting times to come. One of the guys at work has promised to teach me to play poker, so if I end up swearing in Welsh, you'l know where it came from! We're on a promise to have a black tie casino night despite, or perhaps because, the local casinos are of the same seedy, desolate ilk as those I visited way back when.

Just don't ask about the amorous quarter-back : apparently there is no such position in rugby, but anyone who is so musclebound he looks triangular from the shoulders must be some kind of back. And yes, he does play rugby, and yes he does work with me, and yes I was flattered, and for the rest no! no! no! no! (Falling about laughing) Worse than that, he's all of 37, DEFINITELY NO!

I'm feeling pretty virtuous right now with an alarming number of ironed clothes hanging silently on the tripod hanger affair in the living room : testament to my domestic goddess role while watching Brassed Off. I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere but I can't get the words to line up properly. Mostly I iron what I need for the week on a Monday morning before I eventually leave for work, mostly I buy clothes that don't need ironing! I must have some bizarre virus.

Yesterday was a traffic nightmare, leaving in reasonable time to get to Studio West, I got caught in a 20 minute parking experience at Beaconsfield to get to the M40, then there was another appalling crawl caused by a collision near ?Northolt? where the short lampposts are. Meant I arrived at my own event 15 minutes late and after a half dozen people who hadn't been playing with the M40. Really laid-back, relaxing afternoon, everyone was happy, Zippy brought flowers and very professional looking hand-made cards for Natasha-Louise and for ME! She's never met me before but thought I shouldn't be left out since I'd done the organising. Sarah fetched up to help on the door, leaving me entirely free to flit about and socialise. Gabby and Richard had come up from Bath so we managed a bit of a catch-up. they have made their plans to marry on April 25th next year - in London, so I need a new hat. Ummm, maybe I don't actually "need" a new hat, maybe I just need to choose which one to exercise.

Quality day today with mother after neglecting her a lot: we went for a spin in the red devil with the top down - gorgeous weather for it - found that the pub/restaurant I wanted to try doesn't do food at 4pm ; stops at 3 and starts again at 7 or something. Class place with a very interesting solid wood bar, and an enticing array of good malts and vodkas, but I don't remember ever going there before. So we sat out in the sunshine with a couple of alcoholic drinks and talked : a LOT!

Headed back toward home and decided to go to the Five Arrows at Waddesdon (I'd give a link but the site is quite boring) to see if they did food. They did, and we had a very late lunch on the terrace, looking out over the perfect lawn and shrubbery, pretending it was our house. Mental note to go there again for quiet drinks or meal: every other time I've been there has been some kind of event when it's been quite crowded. Food was a tad pricey but we were glad we'd passed on starters since neither of us could finish the portions of roast beef and all trimmings.

Just finishing off a nice glass of Johnny Walker Red; there are only about 2 glasses left from the 2-for-1 litres I bought coming back from the wedding in Portugal last September : time slips away, unnoticed.

Won a couple of new Lea Stein foxes on eBay, the prices are boringly predictable, anything less than £28 is a bonus.

Life is good>

Ah, nearly forgot: while I was vewy vewy dwunk, I wrote a letter to Mark, in pencil, on the hotel stationery, sealed it, addressed the envelope, even put a stamp on it! When I saw it the next morning, I couldn't remember anything at all about what I'd written. I did have a vague memory of what I decided NOT to write, but the rest is a complete blank.

Living dangerously is fun: I called him, he lost the toss on the heads or tails I should post it, but the whole mystery thing was too hard to resist. So I posted it : and he promised to call me to tell me what I'd written : and ~ now he won't tell me. PAH!

Back to Brum in the daylight morning, at least no-one expects to see me before midday

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