Tuesday 2 September 2008

morning has broken

15th floor facing east - class good morning on a sunny day. Not sure if I should be bothered about the lack of hangover after a night out with William. We demolished the couple of little bottles I'd decanted the rest of the last bottle from home, then went to Cafe Rouge in Brindley place and demolished another couple of bottles.

I do recall having a conversation with my extremely tasty programme director (tall, skinny, does it nearly every time, and he has a quirky stroke victim smile too!) as I got back to the hotel and he was checking in which involved the words "sorry, I'm a bit drunk". My words, not his. oops!

time to go to work: the world fell on me yesterday when I arrived and every time I clear a bit of space, there's another avalanche

hi ho, hi ho, where did I leave that spade? etc


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