Wednesday 2 December 2009

Starring in a life near you

Lovely late birthday treat meal at L'Etoile last night, fabulous food, some Pouilly Fumé I didn't ask the price of, and endless chat. Amazingly enough I WALKED back to the hotel, more amazing in terms of not getting lost than being able to walk that far (ermmm, maybe a mile?) though that's good too. Thoroughly enjoyable evening after a rotten work-poxed day

Good news that my mother's hospital visit was 'only' a scare, not actually pleurisy, 'just' a chest infection. It took a flurry of intersibling phonecalls to track her down at home but at least we've proved teh comms links still work.

Bad news? I'm not entertaining bad news today la-la-la- happy happy, joy joy

this song for me this morning

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