Sunday 20 December 2009

Space and Light

Finally got someone on freecycle to come and take the 2-seater sofa away, and a couple of the CD tower things. David and Anke stopped in this morning on their way back to Bristol and I handed on some of the sci-fi intercepts so David now has reading material over Christmas and I have oodles more space.

Unfortunately, the shorts expect me to fill it with a Christmas tree *gloom* I usually get away it but they're coming to mine for Christmas Dinner this year (sudden embargos allowing) Looking forward to it; ignoring all temptation to unhappiness

I finally figured out which bulbs I needed to get so the uplighters all work again *cough* except for the dinky bits to hold the glass in the small lights, cos they fell inside it bah! Blu-tac to the rescue - I have these visions and aspirations for an organised life and they never quite seem to work the way they should

Roll on Wednesday and hols till the end of the year.

PS planning to go see the preview for Nine at Leicester Square tomorrow night. Looking forward to that too!

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