Thursday 4 March 2010


General Daily Horoscope Influences
Although our empathy makes us more compassionate today, the emotional intensity could be quite strong. Fortunately, we are able to flow with the powerful currents rather than exhaust ourselves fighting against them. Our reactions may be extreme as the Scorpio Moon tilts our perspective away from the center. However, it's not necessarily easy to express our thoughts in words; we may be better off just letting our actions speak for themselves.
Thursday, Mar 4th, 2010 -- You know that you are bringing something important to your job today, and it's not just that you show up. Your ability to sympathize with others blends well with your desire to make your workplace a happier and healthier environment. Almost everything you suggest now is looked upon eagerly by everyone involved, but that's just because you are also willing to listen to what's being said.

Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. I did get some flattering feedback from my sidekick support that the Config Manager (who is quite tassty actually, despite his strange taste in hats) reckons I'm totally up to speed on everything that's going on; not entirely reassuring as that might mean that I have to stay on beyond the end of the month. I'm not sure if I gained or lost points in chasing a super-senior VP off using my desk this morning but I do know that the news of what I said to him hit the rest of the project within half an hour. No, it wasn't rude; I saw him hovering around my desk, looking shifty, caught his eye contact and said 'No, D... , I *am*planning to use my desk today'.

What??? What's wrong with that? I'm as human as he is (though Sid assures me I will probably recover from that and go back to being a real person)

and, especially, wtf does what and how I said something to a VIP type have to do with my ability to do my job?

Besides: said chap and I had a very long and interesting conversation a while back, about his childhood in Scotland, and his upcoming holiday revisiting his pre-teen haunts. No wonder I never got anywhere climbing that greasy pole.

So, what else. Bawd wwiv it now: Watching, well, more listening to Question Time: Carol Vorderman has a better presentation as a presenter than as a person; and poor old Boris has hardly got a word in