Monday 8 March 2010


Discretion and perhaps sense has struck: I've called the plumber and arranged for him to come today and not Friday; called work and declared a cheeky working from home without a laptop. Leaving London in briliant sunshine this morning, ahead of the Boris bite, I used the windscreen washers and caused an instant whiteout as the wipers smeared water across the glass where it instantly froze.

At least it only took the usual hour and a half to get from Mark's to mine, instead of the two and a half hours to get there on Saturday. Who would have thought a traffic lights failure on the Hanger Lane gyrotary would cause such an impossible crawl on the A40?

I've had a fabulous weekend, feeling back on form, thoroughly enjoyed having my demand for a 'proper date, not a poker date' met - in spades. Rib Eye steak and whisky seasoned mustard sauce - mmmmmmmm: eat your heart out, Jamie, he's better looking than you are and a brilliant chef

Managed to get to the LAM for the first time in 7 months and to catch up with people I haven't seen since then or before then, meet a few new people, collect a promise for free lighting crew for my birthday (if I do manage to book the Broken Chords to sing at it) and spend rather a lot of money on finally finding cufflinks interesting and suitable enough for my brother's 50th birthdays.

Almost time for the 9:30 conference call: the Rammy battalion of champagne glasses have made it back into the attic as part of my fetching the radiant eye-damage heater down and the fingerless gloves are working a treat.

Scaring myself now; it's morning, I've been up for hours, achieved something, and I'm in a good mood!

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