Thursday 11 March 2010


some kid on TV has just been quoted as having an IQ of 141 which "puts him in the top 1% of population" - huh? Mensa minimum was 146 last time I looked, and that was the top TWO% - but this kid could read at 2 and, at 10 is more articulate than most adults : ...... ah. and also asian background, photogenic, engaging personality, and on a prog about scholarships to Harrow . hmmmphhh

141 sounds a bit low to me; scary kid! But damn cute.

hmmm: looked up the mensa website (must re-do the membership sometime) and the limbo poles are at 132 for one form of measurement and 148 for the 'Culture Fair' one. Best news for my alcohol damaged brain is that you don't need to resit their tests once you've passed; it's a ticket for life. All I can say is that it explained to me, to my satisfaction, why I have such trouble communicating with the rest of the world.

In mensa terms, I'm in a class of my own: too clever for most and not nearly clever enough for the rest.

but I still have good legs, good friends, and good times ;)

1 comment:

  1. Typical, we set the measurement at 148, and those Poles cum over here and claim MENSA rights at a lower rate just because they can limbo !!
    FFS don't tell the West Indians.

    FWIW, it wasn't your brains that first attracted me to you. Ummm still isn't now I think about it.
