Monday 22 March 2010

un autre weekend

action packed weekend here; I'm proud of me: left Markk's feeling relaxed and peaceful Saturday lunchtime( thank you, again) Had a thoroughly pleasant eveining and night with Bill & Claire: lasagne was off the menu, having remembered Claire is allergic to dairy stuff, but I provided an antihistamine tablet so she could polish off my ancient Green and Black's icecream, and she washed it down with a cheap but very creditable eight cans of cider: I stuck to cokking whisky and coke; Bill restricted himself to two bottles of wine and read 'Unseen Academicals' with much chortling and pissing off of Claire since he was meant to have organised getting the book into her Christmas stocking. Claire and I watched episodes 1-4 of Mrs Brown's Boys, laughing out loud a lot and toddling off to bed around 3am, content with the world.

Morning arrived, sun was shining, guests were still asleep, shower was hot, all was right with the world.

Shorts arrived after lunch looking adorable and lavishing 'we love you' attention on me BEFORE I directed them to the princess and pirate goody bags: missy got herself caked in mud playing in the garden, Alex managed to read the word 'bubbles', by himself, on a container with no clues. My son is still my favourite man walking this earth; he remembered the password for my home wireless thing for my new notebook (TGFT); and Dee called me later to thank me for the sweeping bag collection of bog roll and assorted hotel-liberated coffee sachets and milk tubes, and the Nike (sod the tick symbol, they're too tight for my trotters) trainers that I've only worn twice in ten years.

Did washing, hacked the jasmine triffid to a manageable size with the shears (battery or charger or both on the hedgetrimmer having expired) and discovered garden yardage while doing a Charlie Dimmock impression, which amused my son greatly. oops!

Small bit of freecycle moderating and off to Skiddley's with a very lightweight baggins since I haven't been reading much lately: LOTS! of vampire movies waiting for me, pint of S&C, much twittering in the marsh and a massive tease with a Phillip Larkin book of everything he ever published ; gah! how can anyone *read* a poetry anthology? I want my own copy! High Windows:
~ And beyond it, the deep blue air, that shows
Nothing, and is endless, and is nowhere.

to quote Agnes "I'm happy too"

...... but I still haven't done my vexing expenses

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