Thursday 11 June 2009


Who is she?

Top weekend, variously: 3 events on Saturday, including Last Days of Decadence, staying at the Andaz on freebie hotel points from last year's corporate heaven, all afternoon at the LAM on Sunday, checking out some zingy diamonds from Richard Larsen, a bit of a libation with Mark afterwards, and home early because I was zosted, but happy

Going to bed NOW since the course I'm on extended to 6:30 instead of 5 tonight, and 8:30 instead of 9 tomorrow - in Woking *snarl* I don't do morning at the best of times and morning + M25 today was a royal pain after the tube strike, bus diversions and not getting home till 1am this morning from the favourite girls night Ladies Munch

Roll on a new weekend

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