Saturday 27 June 2009


they are running out for me in Singapore *sadness*

Just back from a birthday bash at Nellie & Chris' lush house on the East Coast; Lions lost in the last few minutes, champagne and cake was delicious, their short people are almost as luscious as my own gorgeous blond; long catchup with Paul H, job offer (tempting!)

Next year already on the planner; maybe even later this year, I *love* Singapore.

Ritz Carlton champagne brunch tomorrow after,if I get up early enough, another frying session at the pool and a few more leisurely sessions in cool water and hot sun. Probably even more shopping after that and an eventual trek back to Blighty.

Haven't taken many photographs, this feels more like coming home than going on holiday but I've felt so GOOD all week.

Saturday 20 June 2009

I'm home!

everything went well on the transport and general works business, caught the taxi, the train , the bus, the plane all in good time - and now I'm "home" - despite being shafted by a coastal taxi tour from the airport instead of a direct route (white, at airport, only has address *shrug*)

Feel like I last saw Chit & Mark 7 days ago, not years, been out for a meal, doing the drinking thing, relaxed, cool, happy

blissed; again

lucky me

Thursday 11 June 2009


Who is she?

Top weekend, variously: 3 events on Saturday, including Last Days of Decadence, staying at the Andaz on freebie hotel points from last year's corporate heaven, all afternoon at the LAM on Sunday, checking out some zingy diamonds from Richard Larsen, a bit of a libation with Mark afterwards, and home early because I was zosted, but happy

Going to bed NOW since the course I'm on extended to 6:30 instead of 5 tonight, and 8:30 instead of 9 tomorrow - in Woking *snarl* I don't do morning at the best of times and morning + M25 today was a royal pain after the tube strike, bus diversions and not getting home till 1am this morning from the favourite girls night Ladies Munch

Roll on a new weekend

Tuesday 9 June 2009

twitterfox - random stuff - read from the end Ahhhh, Tom!
10 minutes ago from TwitterFox
happy - Ray Charles moments
21 minutes ago from TwitterFox
going off to fetch my now-MOT'd and serviced car: but they can't fix the bloody great dent in the wing :(
about 4 hours ago from web
*whew* they're still open, still working, and it WILL be ready tonight
about 4 hours ago from TwitterFox
hang on a minute! the bloody garage still has my car and I need it first thing tomorrow morning
about 4 hours ago from web
~ and a new hat!
3:20 PM Jun 7th from TwitterFox
Fabulous weekend: lush hotel, catching up with lovely people, decadence, dancing, sorted at subversion, and collecting diamonds *happy sigh*
3:17 PM Jun 7th from TwitterFox
busy weekend ahead, lets see if Chronos feels like conspiring with me
1:13 AM Jun 6th from TwitterFox
booked my flights! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
5:13 PM Jun 1st from web
WOO-HOOO! bossman has just OK'd a work from home the day I get back from the Far East - now to confirm the flights.... EXCITED!!!!
7:35 AM Jun 1st from web
@P me! she's already made it to the public eye, who wins is irrelevant
6:44 AM Jun 1st from web in reply to MaitresseP
is feelilng waspish
5:30 AM May 31st from web
@tweetzyd~ you're crazy - I like that
1:48 PM May 30th from TwitterFox in reply to tweetzyd~ try not to laugh to much, it cheered me up no end
1:43 PM May 30th from TwitterFox
feeling ill trying to understand all the tax piranha bites
7:33 AM May 30th from TwitterFox
moving furniture about - and deciding I don't like it in the new places..... didn't find anything interesting under the sofa either
12:32 PM May 29th from TwitterFox
Gully Foyle's my name, terra is my nation, deep space is my dwelling place and death my destination. LOVE that book
1:46 PM May 27th from TwitterFox
in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king:
12:58 PM May 26th from TwitterFox
sun!- lazing and toasting beckons
6:25 AM May 25th from TwitterFox
@P I'll be late ;)

Tuesday 2 June 2009

9 days wonder

crowing! just booked my flights to Singapore to spend some time with Mark & Chitra for nine whole lovely days; in a place I like with people I love spending time with

bossman said I can have holiday the week before we start testing

bossman said he'll wear my being jetlagged and 'working from home' the day I get back (I've forgotten which side of the journey gives you the worst bit)

I even know where my passport is!

Paying it forward by having to be in London tomorrow(today) AND Wednesday, then Woking on Thursday *gloom* but bossman said it was OK to book an hotel for tomorrow night. This means I'll get caught for a working dinner but at least I don't have to spend four hours travelling every day

Number 5, Ritz Carlton, Hyatt Martini Bar, Clarke Quay, Next Page, Stamford, Carnegies, Moulin Rouge, Nur Jehan : see, 9 places without even thinking about it, and SHOPPING! with girlfriends! ahhh! and Chijmes; and, and, and
