Thursday 26 February 2009

losing the plot here

Today was technology hate day, some of my friends are in purgatory with collapsed relationships, I broke yet another fine wine glass for the imbibing of scotch and coke last night (bare feet as usual, dodgy eyesight and shards of fine crystal waiting to ambush me in the kitchen) so I decided to go back to the vine and am feeling half-trashed after ermm, is it one, or two? The backup nice big wine glasses have been targeted for line-of-fire but I'm slumming it with a boring normal-size glass for the moment.

Mostly, I'm in the happy state of "who gives a flying" which is pleasant but not useful. I OUGHT to be sorting out the work I should have done today instead of playing 2-second tag with the wireless connection for work, but it holds no appeal. Yes, I know I'll suffer for it tomorrow, but that's a cue for a Vivienne Leigh (Scarlett O'Hara)quote.

Tomorrow, I need to get up at silly o'clock and get myself and suitcase to London for a dismal day in a dismal office trying to catch up with the impossibility of reading and assimilating a medium size library to reflect it in the document I have to issue. (Still on Scarlett O'Hara here)

However!!!!!! Assuming I get the suitcase together, or convince myself that clothes-shopping on Saturday is justified, I can swan off to the posh(?) hotel that I've booked for Fri/Sat and just chill or venture off to Fenchurch Street for a bit of a gal get-together alongside a visit to the Elephant to see Goth and whoever else is there.

Really looking forward to the weekend, will sort it all out tomorrow - probably....

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