Tuesday 10 February 2009


Something I forgot about the Sunday afternoon we all went to the park with Alex, there is a basketball ring there and I managed, for the first time since my teens I think, to net a ball first go. No-one was more amazed than I. Alex had a theory that, since it was very high, he should climb up the hill behind it so he was on the same level. We could see the logic, but it didn't work for him.

Not at all impressed with my boss who made me change a meeting in Southend from today to tomorrow so he could attend, messing up my personal plans to be in London for the LLM (he thinks driving into and parking in London is a trivial thing), then sending me an email at 5:30 last night saying he can't make it now. Still, I have the opportunity to spend the night with a very nice lady who has promised to cook me dinner so it can't be all bad.

Work is really truly boring right now, I've sorted out some training courses, updated various bits of internal admin stuff, and am looking forward to the next project, whatever it might be. Next month should spell freedom from this particular information-starved hamster cage.

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