Wednesday 27 October 2010

Hollandaise sauce

I'm currently using a random wifi connection that doesn't need password or payment and very grateful for that. Bit cheeky I know but I also know that my track record for submitting and claiming expenses is abysmal so any avoidance of charges has to be good. It's just a real shame that it only seems to work in, or directly outside, the civilised smoking room they have in the hotel.

The boy wonder continues to be a nightmare to work with but I am making the most of this couple of days to grab as much info as I can from the team to be able to influence the project direction and make my working life easier. Dining alone isn't usually my favourite pastime but not having to take care of someone else's ego during dinner last night was a relief.

My 'niece' Donna had a camera on Saturday, I'd forgotten all about that till I got a facebook message to say I'd been tagged - oops. Getting drunk around drunk people with cameras and facebook accounts is always a dangerous procedure ~ but a nice reminder of an enjoyable night out.

Home tomorrow night, and then the juggling act to squeeze in everything I want to do before I go to chermanee for Monday, then back to Den Bosch for Thur/Fri. The following week is already under siege but I ought to be in the UK until the 16th at least. I'm looking forward being at home even if it will only be for a week at best.

OK, enough sauce, I'm off to find out if it has stopped raining so I can visit the 'street of restaurants' and check out the local eyecandy with a nice glass of something....

tot de volgende tijd

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