Tuesday 19 October 2010

facebook link It's ludicrous that the social engineering wallahs can't seem to get out of their ivory towers enough to see that this stuff isn't just theory. I truly believe that the majority of people not working WOULD work if they could find a job that brought in enough to keep themselves and their families. Council tax, private renting, cost of travel, cost of childcare and getting over unemployed de-conditioning alongside the terror of being out on the street are exacerbated by over-complicated and unfair taxation rules. Minimum wage should be completely tax-free, for everyone. Travel costs and time should be paid (at some level) for everyone. Small business employers get stiffed by complex tax, National Insuranceand employment legislation rules alongside stupid 'schemes' where they can sometimes be paid several times more than the person they are 'helping'. That's OUR money, not the government's - the government don't HAVE any money except what they collect in taxes. I pay tax, I work long hours, I am reasonably-well funded but very time-poor. Like most of the other reducing number of tax-payers, I am my notice period & savings away from trying to live on £50 a week. .....
Libertarian and liberalist I might be, but I resent working for a nothing future; the unemployed and unemployable are suffering a nothing present without much hope of any change in their future. Shoot them, put them out of their misery, or do something tangible to give them back their pride instead of targeting the headlines with cheap shots about cheats and punishment for the un-abled
/end rant/

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