Saturday 23 October 2010

backed off

Enjoying my two days holiday in Aberdeen at my sister's, wondering where the time barrier is between breakfast and lunch since we are supposed to be at my mother's for breakfast this morning.

I'm out of words. I've shared them all with my sister-in-law who collected me from the airport on Thursday, my mother who cried when I arrived unexpectedly on her birthday, my brother, my favourite nephew and his gorgeous girlfriend who also came to my mother's chosen "rated number 1 in the UK" restaurant for her birthday meal and especially with my sister.

Dressing up for dinner seemed a bit OTT so I didn't, and thoroughly enjoyed a proper seaside meal, meltingly good smoked haddock and chips, followed by a knickerbocker glory complete with tinned mixed fruit and cloyingly sweet thick icecream. Having moved my bank account and unable to get to the major dosh in transit between old and new accounts, my nephew rolled up with a bithday card for me stuffed with scottish notes which may well disappear on our shopping trip this afternoon.

No, he's not that generous, it was payment for Edinburgh in August which has been floating in the bank system since then and only found it's way back into his account this week.

Steak and butcher burgers for dinner last night, and the amazement of seeing both eggs turn out to be double-yolked. Proper farm eggs, from a farm, not a supermarket.

Fly in the ointment was squeaky and the dutch manager calling me yesterday; especially since the message is that they want me to be in Germany extra days next month. I'll think about it on Monday, I'm on holiday!

Next holiday: December and sunny Cyprus!

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