Monday 13 September 2010

ouch day 3

More 'mare today : the insurer blames the broker blames the insurer for cancelling the insurance policy on my car. After applying increasingly sarcastic conversation with both of them in a game of ping-pong. e.g. "and the renewal is due when?", "September THIS year, you mean?", "and the date today is? " they establish that the the terminology is "lapsed on renewal", as advised by the broker on August 25th. Faced with a robust sequence of "when did not wanting to renew my policy become a cancellation?" and "if it was cancelled then, what happened to my letter of confirmation and refund for the rest of the policy term?" and also, "so renewal is due when?" ; they are cornered into ~oh, ermmm, actually it's not due for renewal until September 29th.

I cannot resist checking with them if they are sure they mean THIS year.

The insurer says it will take two days to reinstate the policy; I ask them if they can tell me how long it took them to cancel it (they didn't like that question very much)

Everyone in the office now knows my full name, spelled out in full, my address, date of birth, postcode, car registration, and how viciously polite I can get when I start to lose it

Current status:
A garage in Bermondsey or somewhere equally esoteric has my car; charging an unknown amount per minute to store it.
I probably took the slowest train from Paddington to Slough, and the most expensive taxi from the station to the office, Speaking bus reasonably well in London does not translate to the local idiom of bus prevalent in Sloff.
My working day was trashed by bad temper and frequent calls on both mobiles with a backup work and personal emails. Who would have thought Tyla was a real name?
Finally, there IS a claim number, confirmation that my NCD covers it, and a promise that I will get the courtesy car the policy provides ~ once the policy is reinstated, and the assessor goes to look at the car, and they sort out a repairer, and the repair lot go to collect the car, and, undoubtedly, take 30 seconds to declare it an insurance writeoff.

So, tomorrow, listen out for "seconds away, round 3 - CLANG"

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