Tuesday 21 September 2010


today has been endless, and I need to aim for being IN the office by 8am tomorrow. yes, yes.

I fired up the machine just now to pay Boris £8 for the pleasure of having a second cup of coffee this morning and actually managed not to get lost finding the A4 to get to work this time. If they do rescind the western patch of congested extortion, I suppose the congestion will spread freely and make that option as long as the other one, but both of them shorter.

Update on the car business; I was right, 30 seconds to declare it an insurance write-off; an "uneconomic repair". I asked sweetly how much was uneconomic and triggered the script about how they can't tell me until they assess the damage. The irony escapes them. The write-off was declared by whoever fetched the car from Bermondsey to take it to a garage for damage assessment. The courtesy car is therefore only allowable for 48 hours; offered a week after the accident; I hadn't realised insurance companies offered stasis as part of their instant care package; obviously I didn't need to do anything or go anywhere until they got round to doing something about the claim

Birthday arranged and paid for; sales lead hook baited and bitten by supplier project manager who escaped having to buy me dinner as well as the drink after work ; I was TIRED!!! - but he knows he owes me two dinners now

This high-intensity Knowledge Transfer fornight has ratcheted up several gears now that squeaky is back (I should take up scrying) with most of my efforts to hand things off to other people so I can get on with my 'real' job circling back to my being the one who knows how to get things organised. Bah. ENTJ personality has its drawbacks

First out at poker last night, on a self-inflicted, had enough, stupid, all-in; but the compliment of the month prize goes to the man with the roving eye whose company I have been keeping for a while or more. He managed to lose his place in a conversation with friends outside the pub when he transferred full attention to a pair of lovely legs exiting from a scabby old Mondeo across the street. It took him several minutes to realise they were mine. You'd think he might recognise them by now.

Having been treated to a late night supper of super-light omelette; I decided I should have omelette for dinner tonight. Mine was rubbish in comparison, my culinary skills are obviously deteriorating, or maybe I just need a bigger frying pan

Bulletins over for the moment : the list of things I have crossed off the list of things to do NOW is quite impressive, unfortunately the clamour of other number one priorities is no shorter

I've started reading "I shall wear midnight'; but too tired even to stay awake long enough to finish it.

Roll on Friday and flying to Cyprus for some serious backing off and basking in hot sun - no whale jokes please!

all typos are my own work

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