Saturday 26 September 2009


Totally delighted to have re-established contact with my good friend Anne, and thought I should do a quick update before I go off for another weekend of drinking and decadence. It's Mark's birthday, and we're going out to dinner tonight, that fab Brazilian place, but my son warned me F1 is on so I don't feel guilty about leaving him to watch it in peace.

Corporate heaven arrangements failed miserably this week and I ended up stood on a street corner in Houndsditch waiting for them to find me an hotel room - ANY hotel room! That with the stick, and suitcase, and bag full of training course folder. GRRRR. At least the Premier Inn at Tower Bridge is on a bus route that stops right outside the hotel, and outside the office where the course was. Almost £140 a night room-only is sickeningly extortionate but at least I get to claim it back on expenses.

Dinner with P on Wednesday, just up the road in the boring warehouse All Bar One, thinking I was safe from alcoholic haze since whe wasn't drinking or doing carbs. We could have strolled down to Haz for a quieter atmosphere but P ordered a bottle of wine and we somehow managed to put another one away in the course of a long catch-up and gossip.

Feeling half-virtuous today, woke up at work o'clock and have managed to do some house stuff, some freecycle stuff, collect a parcel from the sorting office and see my favourite man, the short people and their mother: who has saved me a fortune by cutting my hair. Amazing.

Bit of a travelling circus for the next few days, (AH! just worked out why my screen had gone a strange shade of blueness, the connector was wobbly) - anyway; London tonight, hoping to stay over tomorrow night too so I don't have to get up at ludicrous o'clok to get back to Aldwych for 9am Monday; drive to bloody Telford on Tuesday, might have a meeting at Aston on the way back and then stupid morning o'clock for Aldwych at 9am on Wednesday. BAH! At least I get a couple of nights in
a different corporate heaven when I must, must do the revision for the exam on Friday. Wish me luck.

Must do the emails and get packed and on the train to town: options, options, options - love them

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