Saturday 19 September 2009

overabundance of life

Apologies to the various for the long blank on here; life has been and still is a bit very busy and set fair to continue to be so for the next several months.

Current project is based in London, near Aldwych, and there IS a team there so I have a fixed base for a while and can find a desk easily even if I don't get one with my name on it. So far, a whole week! I've managed to work proper hours, and also been leaving the laptop in the office so there is no temptation to work in the evening.

Another advantage is the massive savings on cigs since the combination of office working, dodgy knee and no-smoking hotel room means my smoking is cut by about 90% - making up for it this weekend though.

Major domestic goddess stuff yesterday; several machine loads of washing (does anyone else have a 'red' wash?); couple of handwashing expeditions (I don't understand how I can have so much underwear and still never be able to find any of it when I get try to pack; bit of weeding in the garden, much watering of plants (I'm sure the world is turning inside out; there are plants growing way out of season; but I'm chuffed to bits that the evening primrose is back, even if it's now at least 2 feet away from where I expected it to grow.

So where have I been?

last week's corporate heaven

drinks on Tuesday
dinner on Wednesday
drinks and dinner and memorable afters on Thursday
Working, taking forever to get home on Friday and collapso vino with a good book
Irish Ceilidh on Saturday in a beautiful hall - my colours - even if I was wearing green at the time. There was an amazingly good irish dancer, Sister Bridget did her own bit of nifty footwork; dancing nuns, whatever next? It was somehow so much like a family wedding I was looking round for my aunties. Next time I might consider eating something before getting stuck into the wine, or not sandwich it in between scotch & cokes. Post-pub DVD had lots of alien beasties and no discernible storyline: did my head in since I couldn't tell if it was their horror-show faces moving or my brain twitching. So I retreated to bed.

next week's corporate heaven while I'm on a training course for a supposedly saleable ISTQB certification

Remembered to check my email having asked for a couple of uplighters on freecycle yesterday, and discovered I was 50 miles away when I should have been going to fetch them; good friends are a true blessing - cheers Sid!

Sunday dinner in the pub and another dose of R&R to set me up for the week coming. Bet I wake up late tomorrow!

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