Wednesday 30 September 2009

Happiness is ......

being able to walk

- today, I managed to not only do the walking without stick thing, I also managed to do it dragging the donkeyload of snoopy2 and suitcase full of unreasonably heavy course work to revise AND tonight I dared and dealt with some baby stairs without yelping, grimacing (much) or limping horribly afterwards

stuff your Oscars and Nobel prizes, I'm a winner in my own scrabble for a good life

good friends, good times, good music, good memories : not necessarily in that order but in any combination as often as you like

Weekend was top ; man liked his birthday presents, we liked each other's company even if the restaurant return visit wasn't nearly as good as the time before. We both liked drifting gently and pleasantly to very late o'clock, but I didn't much like waking at work o'clock some 3 or four hours later. Revision was done, poker was won, pub rendezvous was perfectly timed, film was watched sleep was had and Monday morning wasn't too painful on the getting to work front

Can't wait for Friday and the exam to be over; who would have thought I'd stress so much about a qualification I don't actually need?

Hotel is scrumptiously lush; a strange mixture of the £20m refurbishment and shabby aristocratic chic - like bits of old wood used as limiters on the sash windows and filthy paintwork on the windowsills.

They still have the ageing but comfortable chairs in the Tempus Bar, but I bought myself a bottle of plonko rosso at the spar down the road for less than the glass of rather very nice wine they sell in there

tired like a fish ; only another week till my holiday, next week full of birthday treats associated with my Libra connections, and a great desire to just chill

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