Sunday 10 March 2013

of eggs and mice

Last night didn't go to plan at all which is entirely unfair since I was SO looking forward to it.  Dolled up 20's style, delighted Mark decided he would come out with me and P for dinner and Blind Tiger, Giving it some phwoaar! when I saw him spivved up in pinstripe and Homburg, I set off for the bus stop, just missed a number 11 and had to wait 15 minutes for the next one.

I'm sure it did roll up on time but I missed that one too after having a sodding seizure and came to  lying on the pavement with a couple of concerned paramedics doing their stuff.  John Law fetched Mark from the flat (bet his neighbours are gossiping now) and instead of a bus to a great night out I got an ambulance to St Thomas A&E.

They set me free about 11:30 after taking bloods, ECG, neuro-obs and repeated interrogation about my too-interesting medical history.  This morning, my ribs f*cking hurt but the medic said it's probably muscle damage from when I fell.  I remember none of that falling down bit but the now purple and puffy mouse under my right eye, lump on my forehead and wobbly tooth suggests I did an inelegant collapse with a clatter. They're already heading for history thank goodness.  'Senior Clinical Fellow' ( title) is determined the seizure was caused by being out on the lash the night before and lack of sleep.  Damn that Downey for volunteering such information!  Just happened to happen the day my phenytoin dosage dropped from 150 to 100mg but what do I know?  The only medifact they identified was a high white bloodcell count so I've to get another bloods check from my GP once their report gets to him.

Sincere and heartfelt thanks to the young Asian chap who put me in the recovery position and called an ambulance; he even came back to check with the ambulance crew if I was OK.  Sincere apologies to everyone whose evening I spoiled.

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