Friday 8 March 2013

High-speed catchup

I was reminded yesterday that some of my friends look here for my latest news when P told me she keeps getting the same single page from 2008!  That was one of the perfect days in my life so I was glad of the reminder when I re-read it and have accepted the smacked fingers for not updating in here.  I've been blogging on a Macmillan site but that's all related to the melanoma I had diagnosed in early December, removed mid-January, and the area reconstructed just over three weeks ago.

Health-wise, I'm not having much of a good time; another Craniotomy is planned for April this year to re-clip the residual aneurysm ~ if they can.  Thankfully, I ought not to need any further surgery for the melanoma - unless they find signs of recurrence near the original site, in lymph nodes or anywhere else it might decide to manifest.  I'll be going for follow-up checks every 3 months for the next three years then every six months for a couple of years but the rate of healing this time implies my immune system is firing on all cylinders so I'm optimistic that nothing will be found.  I have a growth in my larynx that the ENT chap says is benign and 6 or 7 'nodules' in my lungs which they are following up on scans to see if they have grown or changed and consider if they might be melanoma-related or just punishment for smoking.

On the smoking front, I've made appointments for two sessions next week at a smoking clinic in London.   It's a bit pricey but less than I spend on cigarettes in a month so it will pay for itself quickly.  Longer term, I plan to stash what I would have spent to use for a trip to Capetown for myself and my magnificent man.  Oooh yeah, that's a plan I want to pay off.

Life-wise?  I've already had a wonderful one and am not planning on leaving the party early, there is far too much champagne to be quaffed and far too many other things to be enjoyed.  Plans for this weekend are a hen-night tonight, dinner tomorrow then Blind Tiger with P

There!  Blog restarted.

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