Wednesday 18 May 2011

Talking to my gorgeous blond

recent convos with my grandson, who is 6

~ when he saw my (only) wedding photograph in the house. -
him: who is that?
me: it's me
him: it doesn't look like you
Me: what does it look like then?
him: it looks like a woman
Me:{ouch} so what do I look like?
him: a Grannie
Me: what's the difference?
Alex: (gesturing vaguely at his forehead) Grannies have lines
{pass the botox}

~ in the hallway when I was talking to his father about an imminent trip to dutchland
(in a truly parental disapproving voice)
"you are always travelling
I don't like it
you do too much TRA-velling.
I don't think you should do TRAvelling at all
Where are you going?
Me: Holland
Him: when will you be back?
Me: Thursday.
Him: (echo of a much older conversation)
I think it's shut, don't go.
{wordless and loved}

~ in the supermarket carpark with me and his sister, looking at the early evening sky, his sister pointing upwards and saying "what's that?"

I thought she was pointing at the pale moon, and said it was the moon
She told me she knows what the moon is, not THAT, - THAT!

I thought she was talking about the long curved white jet contrail, and said it was from a plane.  Then got stuck in trying to explain the connection between a shaped cloud and a plane for her brother.
He said, firmly, "It looks like a white rainbow".
His sister said, no, THAT!!!! and eventually I saw the speck in the distance become recognisable as a plane
{specsavers here I come}

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