Saturday 15 May 2010


Your profile has been viewed by 10 people in the last 30 days, including:
Recruiting Manager at Logica ~ wonder what they were searching?
Finance Director at Covance ~ turned out to be Anne
SAP Consultant at GlaxoSmithKline ~ no guesses : must be Rod
Someone in the Consulting function in the Telecommunications industry from London, United Kingdom ~ hmmmmm
Someone at TalkTalk ~ not exactly informative this one

A poem from my sister: ~ it was just the one day ~

Freecycle/Freegle: I so hate the politics of groups; people - I hate people's inability to think for themselves and to see the glaringly obvious threats and blackmail. The US freecycle founder got addicted to power, the UK mods rebelled against the autocratic methods and declared UDI with Freegle. The same few people direct and manage the tiller. The group I have been running for the last few years under the freecycle banner needs to be moved, by democratic vote of the other mods. The threat, expressed by freegle, and casting the deciding vote, is that freecycle will convince yahoo to delete the group. Freecyle have made no threat, although I believe they would do that.

I'm left wondering why it matters so much to me. I like the idea of being associated with something I see as socially activist; I like the feeling of enabling something good and useful to individuals, local community and the overall ecology of the planet and the population. I detest the unthiniking groupthink

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