Thursday 6 May 2010

Life on Mars?

Snuffly the red-nose drained 'ere was in sunny Slough for a declared tough interview this afternoon. My company want to charge me out at a dayrate 50% higher than the contract market candidates, and 400% of what I get paid. It seemed to go well (kiss of death) and I'll find out tomorrow if I managed to sell myself and the company bodyshop prices.

It was kinda fun; it's not often I get to play challenge and response with other geek-types and I think I might enjoy working there. It's only an hour drive, half of it through nice villages and country lanes with pleasant-looking pubs along the way.

Even if they don't want me, I've had the experience of a 'proper interview', and the satisfaction of knowing my CV is at least good enough to get me to interview in competition with cheaper contract alternatives.

If they do want me, I'll have the opportunity to work in a much wider field than I have been and to sharpen my edge for non-test areas, which will also bring in some nice fat bacon directly attributable to me. Got to be worth a decent payrise. Sod promotion, gimme the cash. If they won't give me the cash, I will be better placed to move to another company.

All positive stuff! It's been pretty tough these last couple of weeks, juggling four different things at the same time; together needing more time than there is in the clock day, let alone the working day. It'll be a relief to go back to a single project but I must, I must stop working lunatic hours.

I managed to work only half my one-day holiday last Friday before collecting Mark from the station and setting off for the annual Givaudan reunion at Cumberwell Cottages again. Only 6 originals this time, others had to bail due to imminent birth (Géraldine), Irish wedding (Mike), being abroad (Sarah in Spain, Steve in Florida) It has to be said that most of the weekend passed in a pleasantly alcoholic haze, even if we didn't (quite) manage to finish off the litre of Glenfiddich even with Neil & John helping a bit. It was lovely to see them all again, and very strange to remember it's 13 years since we worked together.

Romantic touch with Mark bringing glorious red tulips back from his exploratory stroll to investigate the landfill site (what?!) Our Saturday expedition to Bath was abandoned when we saw the tailback caused by a gas emergency on the main route so we drove for miles around the countryside instead, stopping off at Wotton Under Edge ( I don't think that's a dropped aitch) for a wander, a proper English teashop coffee and cake and checking out the charity shops. New summer hat for me, and a copy of Brewer's Rogues, Villains and Eccentrics for Mark. Do check the link; the sample made me laugh out loud. Knocking down a bunny outside the the village of Knockdown is funny now, but I didn't think so at the time. Meant I refused to drive back to check if the ?buzzard?kite? Mark saw parked in a field with its prey was still there. Inadvertent or not, I'd seen enough carnage for one day. Next year is already on the cards for June, and Mark's card has been marked by the girl gang who most definitely want to see him around again. I think it's the combination of his dashing good looks and (often true)tall tales.

Poker on Monday night: I'm not doing well this league, pretty much bottom of it, but it's still fun. Some very sad news that one of the women who played poker with the gang died last week. Spare a thought for troubled souls, she was a laugh and provided us with much amusement pursuing Mark, to his alarm.

Grass seed has been scattered about the much dug/raked back garden, it's a bit confusing that the seeds are coloured green making it hard to see if any of them are sprouting! Paul has done sterling heavy digging of the front garden so I have some future therapeutic exercise, preferably wearing not a lot and getting toned and tanned at the same time.

Next stop a weekend at home, BBQ invites for the next weekends, then Shanklin with the shorts for the next holiday weekend. Neither of them were born the last time I was there, with their parents, in 2004 to see the Manics, The Who, Bowie, Snow Patrol, Suzanne Vega et alia at the Festival The line-up doesn't look nearly as good this year, even with Paul McCartney headlining, I wish I had seen Faithless though. SO wonderful that "our family have a house on the island" (it was left to my Dad's cousin, but she is generous enough to let any of us use it). Looking forward to seeing them again in advance of the August family gathering in Edinburgh for my father's birthday.

enough ramble; I'm still full of the cold, but am happy to have spoken to my mother on the phone today to catch up on the latest hospital adventure jump-starting her eccentric ticker. It seems to have been regulated. *relief*

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