Wednesday 17 February 2010


Poker in the pub on Mondays (got to 2nd in the league, currently 5th but still another 7 games to play), girl's nights and dinners during the week, time with my sister in London, recent Champagne Rammy, having the short people around for sleepovers, being spoiled on Valentine's Eve - the year is tumbling into it's normal social chaos

Joe Allen's tonight

Less interestingly (apart from the company) probably Pizza Express tomorrow night

Steampunk Exhibition on Saturday

Still Teed off with work and not in the mood to socialise with people who have treated me badly but tempted to go get my free drinks next week at the Old Bank of England I didn't know it was between Sweeney Todd's and the Pie Shop; the venue looks interesting

Also next week, the restaurant near the British Museum whose name I've already forgotten next Thursday with a couple of friends I haven't seen for a long, long time

-and still haven't got to the cinema to see Nine so that might deal with the remaining weeknight next week (Fridays are reserved for eiether working till silly o'clock and not getting home till 10:45pm or going round Sid's to talk, drink wine, and watch DVDs till even sillier o'clock)

I'll backfill on the Rammy and Valentine's - eventually

Also trying to make time to get my CV together for a cheeky punt at a rather well-paid job in the city.

ah, and mostly happy - apart from work: and waking at 3:30am and not being able to get back to sleep