Monday 22 February 2010


So much for organisation. I got up at 5:30 this morning and started work at 6am to get ahead of the game and allow time for a taxi to get me to my dental appointment at 8:45.

I booked a taxi for 8:15, at 7:45. It's now 8:30 and teh taxi firm have reproved me for chasing them up because 'they are delayed by the weather (it's snowing) and they are very busy this morning'. Class.

NOW they're here - why do *I* always get teh blame for being late?

Saturday 20 February 2010

that hat

I've had a wonderfully relaxed day, chauffeured to Oxford to the Steampunk Exhibition, which was wonderful, but much much smaller than I thought it would be. The building is marvellous, and the contents of the Museum of Science History, fascinating. Netsuke of skeletons; an amazing little brass booklet affair with tiny inscriptions for an unbelievable number of mathematical sorting outs.

We wandered a lot, I bought a copy of Whitsun Weddings, we had double double expressos and cakes sitting outside in a little railed garden listening to a trio of trumpet, saxaphone and tambourine playing on the next corner and were treated to the sight of a silent but amazing display of dance/ballet/acrobatic/dramatic performed by about eight lads who drifted into view, delivered their choreographed routine, then melted silently back into the crowd, disguising themselves by putting their jackets back on. As they left, the yourng trumpeter decided to demonstrate he could do backflips and cartwheels too.

Sid declined to visit in the evening as the short people were imminent (smothered laughter). they arrived, exclaimed squeakingly and shrilly about the peppa pig and Ben10 books with stickers; peacefully scrawled all over the sheets of paper stuck to the fridge door, played for ages with the £1 each flashing light wands (and only broke one each), ate all their dinner and demanded the 'book with rhymes' for their bedtime story.

They're asleep, I'm exhausted - night

ah - the hat! I introduced Sid to the covered market, and he foolishly encouraged me to go INTO the Hat Shop. There it was; a confection of black sinnamay with an explosion of net and polkadots. It had to be tried on. Once I figured out the best way to wear it, I fell entirely in love with it, plotting to marry people off so I would have an excuse to wear it. Soooooooooooooo tempting. I took it off and told the sales lady it was time for her to terrify me, then, and only then, looked at the price tag.


Yearning, but I didn't buy it. Even #I# can't justify that price for a whimsical hat. Hmmmm. I did get my annual bonus letter this week, and the bonus will be paid this month instead of next (due to some weirdness about tax rules changing) but it's not exactly a life-changing amount and - oh, dear ; I do so like that hat. Perhaps I'll have forgotten about it tomorrow

Wednesday 17 February 2010


Poker in the pub on Mondays (got to 2nd in the league, currently 5th but still another 7 games to play), girl's nights and dinners during the week, time with my sister in London, recent Champagne Rammy, having the short people around for sleepovers, being spoiled on Valentine's Eve - the year is tumbling into it's normal social chaos

Joe Allen's tonight

Less interestingly (apart from the company) probably Pizza Express tomorrow night

Steampunk Exhibition on Saturday

Still Teed off with work and not in the mood to socialise with people who have treated me badly but tempted to go get my free drinks next week at the Old Bank of England I didn't know it was between Sweeney Todd's and the Pie Shop; the venue looks interesting

Also next week, the restaurant near the British Museum whose name I've already forgotten next Thursday with a couple of friends I haven't seen for a long, long time

-and still haven't got to the cinema to see Nine so that might deal with the remaining weeknight next week (Fridays are reserved for eiether working till silly o'clock and not getting home till 10:45pm or going round Sid's to talk, drink wine, and watch DVDs till even sillier o'clock)

I'll backfill on the Rammy and Valentine's - eventually

Also trying to make time to get my CV together for a cheeky punt at a rather well-paid job in the city.

ah, and mostly happy - apart from work: and waking at 3:30am and not being able to get back to sleep

Wednesday 10 February 2010


That job-hubting idea looks significantly more attractive now than it did this morning.

This IS the worst project I've ever worked on and there aren't many upsides outside of not having to spend four hours a day commuting.

My personality needs a makeover, I need to learn not to care


I'm awake, functioning, sitting in an hotel room with coffee and cigarette : any bets on my being at work on time?

Thinking about work, and a passing comment on TV jsut now that inflation is running at 2.9% and savings at 1%; makes my 0% payrise even more useful.

Thinking more seriously about looking for another job; even if it would mean having to arrive at the office on time every day

Sunday 7 February 2010

and found

This might be the best place to tell people I've found the power lead for my laptop and the little leather bag with the phone charger. Next to the books which were on the dining table last Saturday, and underneath Big Red.

I blame Mark (he's getting used to that) if he hadn't done the new man bit and made the bed last weekend, I might have chucked BR back on the bed, next to the teddy bear. Mind you, if my bedroom looked a little less like a rummage sale, I wouldn't have spent hours looking for them

Upside is that I've tidied up all sorts of odd places in the house and re-acquainted myself with the hoover as well

cheese! wrote this ages ago and just found it when I was closing the machine down. 'nother fast forward week coming up ....

Thursday 4 February 2010

Rammy 2010

I seem to have lost several days here, and have enjoyed all of them but been a bit lacking in time to post it for posterity ;

been on the go since ummmmm - a long time ago, and still in mid-go, all of it great fun.

Walking into Mark's pub about 7.30pm, being told he had been in, finding his hat and coat on a table which had two drinks on it. Barstaff were a bit offhand but then I was tired from work and not in sparkle mode. *shrug* the pub was quite crowded and it's a biggish table.

His coming back from the gents, giving me a quick kiss and immediately dashing outside for a cigarette did seem a little odd. More than a little odd when the girl I'd passed smoking outside came in to sit at the same table and kept looking at me. Wondered about that.

She turned out to have spent all afternoon with him. .
=addendum for the wider viewpoint

just as well she's my sister, we'd all had lunch together in Chinatown, we'd arranged to meet there, and to choreograph a massive wind-up on the pub.

Mark had told them K was an internet date, that I was working in Aylesbury, and generally collecting lad-points

He discovered his mates are rotten bastards who only laughed their socks off while he drama'd his plight

He also discovered K and I can do the drama thing quite well, which made him feel increasingly uncomfortable : I think he was beginning to wonder which reality was the imaginary one.

The pub was much entertained (and a little relieved I think) to discover they'd been had.