Monday 12 October 2009


It’s been my birthday today. I mostly didn't tell anyone. I tell myself I have simply not got excited about it this year, and that’s truthful. I had my fairytale birthday treat going to see the ENO production of Turandot at the Coliseum with Mark

I spent most of today in a "Nothing pleases me" mood; mind full of intention movements to get busy, to achieve something tangible and all I did was slept late, read a book, and ate too much, knowing it was comfort eating but not why I felt in need of comforting.

Finally got my act together enough to give myself a bit of home pampering and managed to fetch the kitchen splashback thingie from FedEx before they closed then headed for the Nursery to see Paul, Dee and the shorts: they’d got me a new DVD player as I’ve been moaning that none of mine work any more (or I can’t get them to work). Replied to Paula’s (exhausted after climbing Scafell at the weekend) text ; called Sid, who had forgotten about La Tasca this evening. Feel a bit giggling about that; if it had seriously mattered to me, I would have reminded him; Paul couldn't go as he's done something evil to his back, and although Dee offered to go to dinner with me, I had just said I would go to Sid’s for a drink and so went off, feeling happy and loved, having kissed the children goodbye: only about three times each.

Alex got ‘beaten up’ at school today; still has a bite-mark on his arm, and an incipient bruise round his eye. Nowadays they fill in pre-printed forms, ‘violence reports’, and somehow manage to confuse the details in less than twenty words. If the marks on Alex’ arm at 6:30pm were the result of the other boy ‘trying’ to bite him before 3pm, I expect he’d have lost the arm if he’d ‘really’ been bitten.

Sid has surpassed himself again on the different fox birthday card: a Mick Cawston print of a disreputable fox smoking a pipe; and had bagginsed the small mountain of books and DVDs I didn’t fancy carrying back with me last time, hospitably provided a bottle of 1997 something-very-nice which we drank comfortably, chatting and listening to the 1920’s/30’s originals of stuff the Bonzo Dog DooDah Band played several decades later.

I declare my birthday enjoyed.

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