Tuesday 6 October 2009

faint hearted

Offered £190K for this house yesterday and the agent says they declined so I guess the other lot offered more. No sense of relief, just faint regret, and there is still the possibility the other lot will have to back out. I can get another £10K easily but would be tied to a £2K mortgage for the next ten years ~ ach decisions, who'd have thought I'd ever be so rich? And how very un-British of me to discuss lucre.

How do people make these decisions? No phone a friend (well, I did ask P to choose yes or no, very scientific), no ask the audience (well, I did ask Sid), a bit of inside information that someone else had offered and a reluctance to commit, but the decision-maker coin-toss came up heads for offer the extra ~ and I haven't. Thinking out loud here, it's not as if I was actively looking for a new house, more that it's across the road, still near my son and his family, and has an integral garage, and I blame my son for winding me up that I should buy it. He says he was only joking

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