Friday 1 May 2009


Having ignored texts from the psychopathic puritan ex, imagining he was chasing 'his stuff' again; he caught me with an unknown number in work time just now.

Stomach still roiling; first question is "am I renting out my house" - no; next question, "who's living there" - me. Panic flood about what does he want, what does he think he knows, what does he plan to do, what can I do about it.

He wants to move into my house or rent it from me because he's just had his flat re-possessed. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Proud of me for the instant, "Sorry" without any other explanation but still rattled. Fairly disgusted with the probably genuine but nevertheless guilt-throwing "I haven't seen anyone since you left me, I go to work, I come home, that's it".

Ouch. Let's hope he does get a place somewhere, anywhere, and fades into history again pretty sharpish.

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