Wednesday 27 May 2009


Just finished watching “One Day Removals”, the film Kath brought down in January for us all to watch, reminded me to watch when she came back in April, and tonight I finally watched it. These things take time! Sights and sounds of home with a very ludicrous but unsettling film: described as "Laurel and Hardy meets Tarantino" with decent Aberdeen-accented Doric throughout. Also "One Day Removals uses the F word more than 320 times, the most ever in a Scottish-made film ~ beats the current Scottish record holder, Sweet Sixteen by Ken Loach, which uses the F word and variations 313 times". You have been warned!

Might have been easier to watch if the DVD didn’t keep sticking and if I'd been able to find the remote control for it.

Still, it was a major success since I had to crawl about on the floor and womanhandle the TV stand thing about while I worked out which bit had to connect to which other bit to get a DVD to play at all. Back in the distant past my beloved son and favourite nephew managed to set the video/DVD player that I almost understood to convert to dyslexic Swahili, and so this was a new venture to fire up one of the other THREE players. Not entirely sure how they managed to breed so successfully but I mostly can’t get any of them to work and end up reading a book or going online instead.

Escapism. Can't beat it.

ah! and the BBQ on Sunday was very relaxed and relaxing, declared the truth and reality that I would be late in good time; got some sunbathing and bookreading in; managed to find the blue fox earrings to go with the pastel baby-blue look and thoroughly enjoyed driving down there in brilliant sunshine with the top down (Car, not me) Trampoline is fun, I really ought to do stupid but fun things more often instead of just doing the plain stupid ones. I managed to knock over P's stunningly generous libation of about quarter of pint of whisky all over Lin's frock as an opening gambit, having to suffer Rod's repeated exclamations about 'who drank a whole bottle of scotch' that night, and the next morning despite Paula pointing out each time that it was only half-full at best in the first place. Long lazy afternoon and evening in good company without getting too mashed; followed by a decision point to have another drink and stay over as arranged or drive home. Sarah smiling sweetly and handing me a tequila shot decided that one so I polished off most of a bottle of wine after that while we woke the neighbours with megadecibel talk and laughter in the garden. I did suggest they buy a clock instead of having the neighbours bawl out what time it was, sadly not in time for us to wind them up (clock? geddit?).

Proper work all day from 9am, no personal PC till after about 7pm and I still felt guilty about skiving. I must be ill. Short people for a brief while, major grannie-points for the Ben 10 baseball cap which did fit the 4yr-old (9-13 years old it said on the label - eh?), and the Peppa pig jammies sized 18-24mths which are HUGE for the 23mths pink princess but she loves them.

People. Friends. Life.

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